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Intraday Traders - - Must Read


Discipline is important, especially in volatile markets.  Discipline is not something that you are born with it is something that has to be learned.  Think about a family member or even yourself, are you discipline and they are not or vice versa?  This has nothing to do with DNA.  You either want it or you don’t.  Or in my case, I was forced to have it.

Discipline is like any other habit, you have to build it.  If you don’t use it you lose it.The problem with discipline is that when you need it most it is the furthest thing from your mind.  Discipline doesn’t matter, getting your money back or profits is usually all that can fit into an untrained mind.

It starts with being discipline, once.  Keep doing it and although you will never be born with it, it is a skill that every person has the ability to learn.

The greatest victories in life rarely come from those who are sad, pessimistic or lacking enthusiasm.

When we approach challenges in any area with enthusiasm, we set a new foundation that starts us off on the right foot. This does not automatically happen. We all need to decide that we are going to start changing the way we begin our trading sessions.

Before we jump on our computer and look at our charts and start executing trades, take about 5 minutes to set the tone for this session. Take a few deep breaths, forget about the list of tasks that you have to deal with today, get a piece of paper and write down 1 or 2 items that you will focus on during today’s trades.

Once you have your mind set and your 2 items ready; say out loud
 “I am ready to trade”. 
Say this with enthusiasm and then sit down and begin.

You will have a new perspective on today which does not include focusing on the profit results, but instead on the process. Your trading session will have new meaning and you are now set to be triumphant in today’s trades.

How to trade ?

It is difficult to get profit everyday, because that needs lots of experience and knowledge about indian and global market update. Slowly you will get that experience then you can do it everyday. We will suggest you to join any good membership with us just for one month to understand professional way of trading and to build confidence in your self.

How to avoid loss in trading ?

Please dont do over trading, follow strict stop loss. Day trading is not very easy. The over night education will not help you to learn each and every aspect about the trading. You need to have experience, plan your  strategies, figure out some techniques to identify right time and  To become successful trader, you have to dedicate few hours to learn new things about the trading.

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